It's true. My poor blog has been neglected in the past, but it's a goal to make a habit of writing new blogs. I'm also in the dreaded state of redoing my website. Both have suffered and neither got the attention that they needed. It's about time to fix that.
Creating a new website has been a full time job in itself. I spent at least a week digging out all the amazing photos and yet at least another week getting the website to look appropriate. Since then, I've been dragging and dropping images into their new home on the new website. I've been avoiding the about me section and other informational pages, but at least this time I can be happy linking it to the blog. I will also be debuting a brand new first edition logo for Jessi Dalton Photography. This all has been a long time coming.
I am SO pleased with the way its all turning out and just can't wait to share it with you all. Please... stay tuned! New and improved Jessi Dalton Photography is on it's way.
Be amazed!